Saturday, September 3, 2016

August Food Cost Breakdown

Canning and Food Storage

White wine $3.47 (used for the pickled garlic recipe)
Beets  $7.16  (only made 5 pints of pickled beets, I will pickle more when I pick from my garden in food storage)
Canning jar lids $10.92
Pickling Spice $3.33
Peppers $14.21 (made 8 pints of pickled hot peppers in food storage)
Garlic $8.99  (made 14 half pints of pickled garlic in food storage)
Bananas Case $35.15  (Froze the whole case)
Peanut Butter $26.78  (2 large containers put in storage)

Total cost of food toward Food Storage $110.01

Pet Supplies

Black Oil Sunflower Seeds 50 lbs  $33.88 ( I use BOSS in the chicken's fermented feed.  This bag should last 6 months)
Layer Pellets for chickens  23.99 
Scratch for chickens 38.99 (way too expensive, will only buy in the city from now on)
Dog Food 50 lbs  $24.49

Total cost for pet supplies: $121.35
I spent more than budget allowed but the hubby was in town with me and he can throw around those 50 pound feed bags in the car much easier than I can so I bought them before I really needed them.

Monthly Groceries

Milk $65.71
Half and Half $9.08
Butter (organic) $27.47 (bought extra should last most of next month)
Kale $2.29
Birthday cake and frosting $7.27
Peanut Butter $10.59
Cheddar Cheese $15.99
Mozzarella Cheese $12.79
Pepper Jack Cheese $10.19
String Cheese $18.78 (bought 2 bags and should last more than a month)
Cottage Cheese $10.58 - for smoothies
Diced Tomatoes Case $8.99
Frozen Cherries  $9.49 - for smoothies
Ice Cream sandwiches $3.99
Corn Tortillas $5.59
Amazon Sub and Save (Bulk shopping)
Cream cookies (6 pkgs) $16.14
Allspice $4.16
Sriracha (6 bottles) $26.58
Coffee (8 pkgs)  $37.78
Zevia Soda (24 cans) $24.09

Total cost of monthly groceries $327.55

Household Items

Black trash bags $7.79 (to bag up sawdust for chicken coop) Toilet paper  $17.99 (large pack from Costco will last 2 months)

Total cost of Household Items $25.78

Total August Food and Household Cost $584.69 over budget by $84.69

Officially I am over budget but I'm confident September will be a different story.  In September I will not have to buy any chicken feed and my Amazon Sub and Save order is only for more coffee and sparkling water.

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