Sunday, January 25, 2015

Frugal Weekend = Being Content

At some point, most of my family and friends ask why I am content to live so humbly.  I live in a small, crowded house that could use some updating desperately.  The truth is, I find so much more joy finding contentment in what I have and having the ability to help other, I don't even think about the house.  It also allows us to save money, keep debt free, and ready ourselves to live in a semi-retired state.  

In keeping with this frugal lifestyle here are some of my accomplishments I worked on.

I needed to restock my pantry with my mason jar mixes.  This weekend I filled up a case of jars with Potato Bread, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies, Spice Cake and Whatever Cream Soup Mix. 

I love these mixes!  I generally do not love to bake because I hate assembling all the ingredients and doing all the dishes.  This way I make a mess in the kitchen every few months instead of every weekend.  I seal all the jars to keep them fresh.  I was able to utilize my food storage pantry for all the supplies.  Believe me it was so nice to go up there and grab a bag of sugar, powdered milk and flour instead of driving to the store.   It is very easy to find recipes online or adapt your favorite recipes to fit in the jar.  It saves me the temptation to buy the packages at the store and this way I can control all the ingredients.  I'm very picky about organic, non-gmo and unbleached flours.  I also use evaporated cane juice instead of sugar in the cookie and cake mixes.  I keep a few sugar free options ready in jars for when I get a sweet tooth.

Speaking of non-gmo, I found this great bargain  on Amazon Prime.  One of our go to snacks is popcorn.  Stormy loves it and I now I can love giving it to her.  I bought a big bag and processed it for the storage pantry.

In other frugalness, I found an old craft project that I started years ago and I am certain I will never finish.  I decided to tear it apart and make the pedicure socks I sell on the store with it.  I think I can get three pairs made out of it and sell them for a profit of $50.00.

I like to make these socks in my down time, while watching movies or listening to podcasts when Stormy is sleeping.  I can easily make a pair a week and if I'm willing to invest more time a pair every two days.  It is pretty wool and I'm happy that I stumbled upon it.

In other news, my hours at worked were dropped to about 30.  I'm not complaining , my dream is to work part-time and be available to homeschool Stormy as a team with my husband, so it really is an answer to prayers.

It finally has turned cold in Alaska and we are enjoying a bit of fresh snow.  I've been busy keeping the wood fire going, which reminds me I need to go haul in some more wood.

Lovin' life being content with what I have!

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