Saturday, September 28, 2013

Hopes and Goals

As Alaska settles into Fall, I decided to set some goals for myself.  With the long, dark days, it is so easy to hibernate here during the winter, but I am going to try and stay focused.  Here is the list of goals I will work on, some very easy and others will not be.

Rest - The bags under my eyes will tell you how sleep deprived I am.  It is so easy to get in this state during summer.  The long Alaska days would typically wake me up at 5:30 and I'd often be up until after midnight doing projects.  My goal is to have Stormy and I tucked into bed before 10:00pm and stay in bed until 6:00am.

Exercise - During the cold, dark winter, outside exercise becomes burdensome for me.  I don't mind the cold or the snow but I detest the wind, and winters here are windy.  My goal will continue to be to get at least 40 minutes of exercise in the fresh air.  I will count toward exercise time spent playing with Stormy and hauling firewood.  Most of my cardio exercise will be inside on the hated elliptical with the goal of 30 minutes, 5 times a week.

Diet - Six weeks ago, I started the 5:2 Fast Diet and I love it.  I am slowing shedding pounds but I have found some amazing health benefits with it.  My joints are feeling so much better, my skin problems are clearing up and energy abounds. Here is a link to the documentary.  I tried without success to upload the video.

Bible - We read the Bible daily as a family and our schedule of reading allows us to read the entire Bible in one year, and the Proverbs twelve times a year.  We are continuing to do a verse by verse study of the book of Revelation with the help of this series
My personal Bible goal is to begin a program of Bible memorization.  I'm starting somewhat small with a couple of Psalms I picked out with the goal of memorizing the Sermon on the Mount.  A larger goal is to work on  soul winning.

Research - I love learning and my brain seldom shuts off.  A couple of the research projects that I want to do includes HAARP, raising goats and chickens in Alaska and the Constitution.

Hobbies - I haven't picked out any new hobbies to learn.  I'm still perfecting my knitting loom and soap making skills.  It is time to figure out what I will be gifting this year.

Food Storage - I need to replenish the food storage that I have used and catalog what I actually have.  I am still working on getting all the GMO foods out of the kitchen.  This weekend I am trying out some pancake syrup recipes.  We just emptied the last of Mrs Butterworth and she is kicked out of the house!

Home Business & Work - I have not been focusing on our online business at all.  It's there and sales trickle in but I have not made much effort with it.  My husband, on the other hand, has been very busy with it.  I need to give him more of a helping hand.  As for my job, I will keep trying my best to help out where I can.  I really want to work on encouraging and supporting my coworkers and new boss

Family - I need to have a better connection with my extended family.  It seems days, weeks and months will go by without any contact.  I need to make this goal a priority.

Facebook - I'm slowly giving up on Facebook, the only thing that keeps my there is the connection to my family.  I love that I can see what my cousins and Aunts are up to but it does waste time.  I'd like to only check in on Facebook once a week with a bigger goal of once a month.  As I work on connecting with my family outside of Facebook ,I hope to  delete my account.

I think that about does it.  I will see how I am doing in January and work out the bugs.  Here's to a hibernation free winter!

Lovin' life but trying not to hibernate...naps are optional.

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