Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Food Cost Breakdown - January 2017

A new year and goals!  I am still striving to keep my food cost under $500 a month including animal food and I added healthcare products as well.  This should keep our total household budget under $1000 a month which includes all bills, fuel costs, clothing and entertainment.  I keep myself motivated by putting any saved money from the food budget or total household budget into a savings for something I really want.  Right now I am saving for a green house and more Tattler canning lids.  I don't beat myself up if I go over and I can't control, nor would I want to, my husband.

Animal Care
Grit - $1.62

Total Animal Care -$1.62

Cheddar Cheese - $31.98
Flour - $16.56
Milk - $24.79
Coffee - 29.96
Ground Beef - $12.34
Eggs - $24.26
Marshmallows - $1.48
Candy for School rewards - $57.89 (we all snack on these and I can't control my husband)
Cookies - $6.52
Almonds -  $3.23
Bananas - $9.16
Apples - $3.70
Green Beans - $1.38
Hamburger buns - $1.88
Poptarts - $13.58
Egg Nog - $7.94
Yeast - 4.39 (in long term storage)
Coconut Oil - $19.99 
Garlic Powder - $4.99 (in long term storage)
Butter -$16.38 (canned and in long term storage)
Olive Oil - $28.99 (in food storage)
Hamburger $87.96 (canned and in long term storage)
Tomatoes - $7.49 
Lettuce - $2.79
 Ruffles - $15.38
Ice Cream cones - $1.79
Ice Cream - $13.59
Total Food Cost -$450.29

Health Care

Total Health Care - $0.00

Household Items - $0.00

Total December Food Cost - $451.91

I have to admit that I am a bit skeptical about this number and I am wondering if the handsome hubster forgot to get me a receipt or two.  Until he unearths it I am counting this a victory and will add $48.09 to my greenhouse fund.  

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