Sunday, August 28, 2016

Monthly Goals Check In

Every month I make a to do list.  For some reason it really motivates me to accomplish the task just to mark it off the list.  Please don't ask me why but it does.

Here was my list for August

Cut Maisies Hair (our schnauzer dog)
Organize bins
List 10 items on eBay
Reconcile Paypal statement to spreadsheet
Wash Windows
Clean my Bronco (truck)
Make lotion
Pick Raspberries
Library Run
Take Stormy Biking
Clean up Woodshed
Clean up Storage Room
Can fish and beans
Start Blogging

Here's my results as of August 24th

Cut Maisies Hair (our schnauzer dog)
Organize bins
List 10 items on eBay
Reconcile Paypal to spreadsheet
Wash Windows
Clean my Bronco (truck)
Make lotion
Pick Raspberries
Library Run
Take Stormy Biking
Clean up Woodshed
Clean up Storage Room
Can fish and beans
Start Blogging

Rumor is that the sun may actually shine this weekend.  If so I will accomplish three things at once.  I can take Stormy bike riding, go to the library and pick raspberries all in the same afternoon.  Rain, rain go away!  That just leaves the storage room as the next big project.

I do have a daily chore routine that I do and it almost never varies.  I like to start and finish it without distractions so it only takes me about an hour.  

My daily chores

Feed chickens, tidy up coop
Wash dishes (by hand no dishwasher here), sanitize stove, microwave and counters.  
Fill Woodbox
Scoop cat box
Start a load of laundry (only on sunny days so the clothes can dry on the line)
Tidy up bathroom
Sweep and spot mop floors
(Now onto the other half of the house)
Vacuum pet hair
Fold blankets and tidy up living room
Vacuum living room
Collect eggs and feed chickens any scraps we have from the house

After everything is in place I tackle homeschooling, blogging, outside chores and cooking.  There are times I need to scrub the bathroom and dust the living room.  That usually happens Saturday morning in case we have company come by.  On Sundays I do what I have to but try to  make it more of a fun rest day.  

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